About Us
Stagelight Family Productions works with Communities, Schools and Young Actors. We offer rentals for both Sets and Costumes.
Stagelight Family Productions is a non profit theatre organization dedicated to building a strong and rewarding future for young people in the arts. Founded in 1990 by Janice Kraus, Stagelight Family Productions (SFP) is the resident Youth Theatre production company for both the City of Brea and the City of Whittier.
In addition, SFP has produced shows for the City of Newport Beach, Riverside and Huntington Beach. Out of region productions include Northern California and Arizona. SFP currently produces shows with several schools in the Placentia – Yorba Linda School District and for the Orange School District.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many shows does Stagelight do in a year?
Stagelight Family Productions does FOUR shows every year - TWO in the City of Brea and TWO in the City of Whittier.
When do rehearsals usually take place?
We typically rehearse Friday and Saturday with ensemble group members for 1 hour -- 2 hours of rehearsal total every weekend.
Lead rehearsals take place either Saturday or Sunday for 2-4 hours. Please note that Leads may also be required to attend their Ensemble Group rehearsal(s) as well.
When are performances?
Performances occur Thursday-Sunday evenings for 2-3 weekends at 7:00pm, with matinee performances on Saturdays and some Sundays at 2:00pm.
Please note not all cast members will perform in every show scheduled per weekend.
How much does it cost to participate in a production?
For our City of Brea and Whittier productions, it depends on where you live. The cost of registration is:
$200.00 USD for Residents
$225.00 USD for Non-Residents
Additional expenses may include costume fee and proper footwear(if required); and the optional purchase of show shirt(s)/sweatshirt(s), program ads, and Guild Membership.
How long is the rehearsal process?
The rehearsal process lasts anywhere from 4-6 weeks, with the additional 2-3 weekends of shows.
A detailed schedule of rehearsal dates, cast calls, and show dates will be given out at the first rehearsal. Rehearsal days and times are subject to change when necessary. Please note that not all cast members are called at every rehearsal.
Does Stagelight have multiple casts?
More often than not, we will have at least two different casts distinguishable by color.
Rehearsal and performance schedules will be given out once the casts have been split, usually by the first or second rehearsal.
Do I have to rent costumes?
For some productions, it may be required for performers to rent one or more costumes.
These costume rental fees are not included in your registration and range anywhere from $40.00 to $100.00.
When is 'tech week'?
Tech week occurs Saturday-Wednesday the week before opening night.
Weekend rehearsal is usually 1:00pm-6:00pm with a break for dinner.
Weekday rehearsal is usually 5:00pm-10:00pm.
Rehearsal days and times are subject to change when necessary. Please note that not all cast members are called at every rehearsal.
Are there volunteer opportunities?
All families are required to donate a minimum of 20 hours of volunteer work.
This includes but is not limited to costume committee, set construction/painting, prop work, backstage supervision, tech crew, set load-in, and strike.
These shows cannot happen without the help of our amazing Stagelight families!